Procurement fraud is the most widespread type of fraud. As it often involves the payment of kickbacks and collusion, it can remain undetected for years and the sums of money involved can be substantial.
We support companies with development of a procurement policy which forms the main line of defence against procurement fraud. Our approach is both tailored and practical to reflect the level of risk which exists within your company.
Example policies and procedures that can be implemented:
- Procurement policy aligned with the company's fraud risk policy (e.g. vendor selection policy, thresholds, etc.).
- Procurement policy communicated to and applied by all relevant staff.
- Vendor due diligence performed.
- Regular awareness training in place (e.g. red flags).
- Independent committee involved in the supplier selection process.
- Adequate evaluation criteria established prior to any tender.
- Limits of Power of Attorney established.
- Code of Conduct, declarations of Conflict of Interest and policy on gifts and entertainment in place.