
It has become a real challenge to identify the files or messages critical for a given investigation or litigation, amongst hundreds of thousands of objects stored on a typical hard disc or a mobile device.

The volume of electronic data stored on electronic devices is dramatically increasing in line with developments in technology.

We support our Clients in the following areas:

  • Review of electronic data performed as a stand-alone product or as part of a broader investigation;
  • Providing a web-based eDiscovery platform (e.g. RelativityOne) for a remote review by our clients;
  • Managing the eDiscovery review process performed by our clients;
  • Providing review resources for mass eDiscovery review.

Let’s talk!

If you need advice on whether this service will be suitable for your case, I will be happy to answer your questions.

e-Discovery in Questa

The eDiscovery process refers to identification, processing and production of electronic evidence for the purpose of proceedings such as litigation, regulatory investigations or internal investigations.
The overwhelming volume of data produced in the world every day requires effective eDiscovery tools in order to obtain relevant electronic evidence from the maze of electronic data available.
At Questa, the majority of projects we do contain some element of electronic data capture and analysis, which puts us in an unrivalled position in electronic data review. Not only do we know and dispose of the eDiscovery tools, but we also have an experienced team with investigative skills, understanding of common fraud schemes and financial expertise. This unique combination of competences is critical in white-collar crime cases and commercial litigation projects.

Our extensive forensic experience and in-depth knowledge of eDiscovery tools enables us to identify relevant electronic evidence in an efficient and effective way.
An effective eDiscovery process extends far beyond simply copying hard disc content, selecting a handful of keywords and reviewing the hit results. In our work we use specialised eDiscovery tools from globally recognized developers (e.g. Relativity), allowing us to review electronic data, including indexing of text, recovery of text from images and scans (OCR) and de-duplication of data allowing for easy identification and omission of the same files/ messages occurring in the database multiple times.

Technically, it is possible to review electronic data using a native email client application, however such an approach in an investigation/ litigation process can be considered negligence. Not only is it time-consuming, but more importantly key data may be missed when you do not take advantage of the functionalities offered by advanced eDiscovery tools.
In 2023 we became the first Polish and Central European partner of Relativity.