Electronic Data Capture
Forensic acquisition and analysis of electronic data has become a fundamental element in all corporate investigations.
We support our Clients in the following areas:
- Data capture from computer devices (computer hard discs, external hard discs, pen drives, etc.);
- Data capture from mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.);
- Gathering of data from the client servers or the ‘cloud’ (e.g. email correspondence, virtual discs, etc.);
- Extraction from secured devices of selected electronic data for further detailed review (eDiscovery), e.g.:
- By data category – e.g. email correspondence or SMS;
- By physical location on a disc – e.g. data saved by a specific user;
- By other features – e.g. deleted data.
Let’s talk!
If you need advice on whether this service will be suitable for your case, I will be happy to answer your questions.
Electronic Data Capture in Questa
In today’s digital age, an increasing number of files are stored on mobile devices, computer hard drives, corporate networks or in the ‘cloud’, and the vast majority of communication is sent through electronic media. With more and more documents being created digitally, and never reaching paper form, the use of computer forensic technology presents an opportunity to identify, capture and preserve evidence for potential legal proceedings in an extremely cost effective and efficient way.
We use cutting-edge tools and technology and in all cases we adhere to global standards for data capture and preservation (e.g. chain of custody). In our own forensic lab we use computer forensics and eDiscovery tools from globally recognized providers, including Relativity, Guidance Software, Vound/Intella, Tableau, Cellebrite, MobilEdit, BlackBag Technologies, and others. EnCase Forensic by Guidance Software is the best-known and respected computer forensics software in the world and is used by corporates, legal firms, law enforcement, army and intelligence. Relativity is a worldwide leader of eDiscovery market and its eDiscovery review platforms are the most well-known and respected eDiscovery tools worldwide/in the world, used by counsels and investigators.
We capture data from computer hard discs by making digital images of the devices and earmarking them with unique hash-sums. Subsequently, this allows for the recovery and effective analysis of all data stored on the device (including deleted data) at the same time ensuring the integrity of the secured data. We capture data from mobile devices by making a physical (if possible) or logical copy of the device memory. This approach allows for analysis of typical phone data (phone calls, contacts list, SMS/ MMS) and also data from mobile applications including instant messaging or electronic mail (depending on the model of a device and its operating system).