Forensic Investigations

Financial, accounting, fraud and corruption investigations, business disputes and regulatory investigations have become increasingly complicated, often impacting business operations locally and internationally.

An independent team of experienced investigators with thorough understanding of business, finance and accounting, supported with IT tools and business intelligence, has the best potential to quickly get to the very bottom of the problem you are tackling.

  • Fraud Investigations

    Fraud investigations, whether of financial, accounting or business nature, have become increasingly complicated, often impacting business operations locally and internationally

  • Compliance Investigations

    In a business environment where corporates face unprecedented scrutiny, integrity and governance have never been more important. Regulatory investigations driven by potential wrongdoing in a company bear not only significant reputational risk but also potentially severe financial penalties and criminal charges./ Regulatory investigations can be immensely damaging to your commercial reputation and can result in severe penalties and criminal charges.

  • Forensic Accounting

    As financial transactions become more intricate and sophisticated, the need for skilled professionals to unravel financial mysteries and detect fraudulent activities has grown significantly.

Why Questa?

Extensive experience
Extensive experience
in working for a diversified group of clients: multinationals, companies registered with the US and Polish securities commissions (SEC and KNF), Polish state owned companies and other enterprises from many business sectors.
Thorough understanding
Thorough understanding
of the business environment having worked with a variety of stakeholders, both as our clients as well as targets.
Own business
Own business
intelligence unit to supplement information provided by the client when needed.
Own eDiscovery lab
Own eDiscovery lab
and competences.

When do decide for the service?

In particular, our economic investigation services are useful in the following situations:

  • There is a suspicion of fraud or other inaccuracies in your company and steps need to be taken to understand the situation.
  • There is a rumour in your organisation that an employee may be receiving bribes from a counter party.
  • A whistleblower notification has been filed regarding a potential risk to your organisation.
  • A more thorough understanding regarding a subsidiary company is needed.
  • There is a suspicion that information you received regarding a newly acquired entity from the previous owners may be compromised.
We identify various types of fraud, such as embezzlement and misappropriation of assets, manipulation of financial statements, money laundering, corruption, etc.

Do you have a question for us?

If you need advice on what service will be suitable for yours
case – contact us!!