Due Diligence

Due diligence is a critical aspect of corporate intelligence, ensuring that companies gather accurate and relevant information before entering into any business deals, investments, or collaborations. This process may involve the analysis of a company’s financial health, legal compliance, and overall reputation.

We support our Clients in the following areas:

  • verification of the subject of the transaction and its key personnel;
  • analysis of affiliations of a potential counterparty, including their political links and possible links to sanctioned entities;
  • analysis of the business profile of a potential counterparty or partner, with particular emphasis on possible areas of risk;
  • verification of issues related to the integrity of individuals representing the entity to be acquired, as well as due diligence, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, corporate governance, and compliance with applicable requirements;
  • verification of the employment history, education and business reputation of candidates or key personnel.

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If you need advice on whether this service will be suitable for your case, I will be happy to answer your questions.

Due Diligence in Questa

Prior to entering into any strategic business relationship, it is necessary to perform due diligence, that is to identify any potential and real risks as well as strong and weak points of the new relationship.
Due diligence ensures mitigation of the risks that may threaten the business.
Due diligence services provided by Questa are a complementary element of the verification process of a business entity or an individual. As part of this service, we perform checks into areas of activity selected with the client, such as client portfolio, payment habits, reputation of key personnel, political links, and compliance.
In our work, we rely on tested methodology which allows us to diagnose risk areas in an effective manner. By collating a number of investigative tools, adjusted to the type of case, the client’s needs and the risk profile, we gather relevant information from a range of sources.

Our tailor-made approach allows us to provide our clients with the information they need to make their decisions, mitigate risks, and meet regulatory obligations. We advise our clients on transactions, as well as key hires and partnerships. We deliver comprehensive background information on companies and individuals. Each report we prepare is tailored to the needs and requirements of the client.